Saturday, January 22, 2011

Super Supau isotonic drink

This Taiwanese drink is by Vitalon. First question, what is an isotonic drink. An isotonic drink is "A sports drink used to simply replace fluid and electrolytes lost during prolonged exercise" according to " Judging by the lady running on the cover that is what it is. Most sports drinks aren't that sweet so lets find out what happens.

The small was a not too pleasant fruit smell. The drink itself was a cloudy but clear mixture. The taste is like watered down tums. At first I was surprised by the lack of carbonation, but it is an isotonic drink, not a soda. Looks like a soda since it's in the can. Imagine Gatorade in a can. Weird.

Verdict: I would give it 2 stars. As a Gatorade drinker, its not something I'm unused to but I don't feel like finishing it.
2 stars **

I had other people drink it and they would give it 1 stars *. The expression on their face said that they wouldn't want more then 1 sip at all.


  1. Very interesting!
    Perhaps it's an acquired taste; as a Taiwanese living in the Americas I long to be able to drink supau again... its one of our favorite drinks.

  2. The fruit smell of Super Supau is from grapefruits. The drink is also sold in 600 ml and 1.5 L plastic bottles, which are the most common containers of all sort of beverages in Taiwan. My husband and my step son who are Americans/Caucasians love the drink, too. We started purchasing a case of 1.5 L Super Supau every time when we visited the oriental market. I believe they would rate it 4.5+ stars according to your scale.
