Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nestle Milo

The label call's the drink "Nestle Milo Chocolate nutritional energy drink". Though it's labeled energy drink, it’s not the type of energy drink that American's think of. There are some vitamins, but no weird ingredients like tuarine, ginseng, or the other stuff that are put into the things on market today. The drink is made in Malaysia and is 180 cals for the can. Wow that is like a candy bar almost. Looking at the can there is a soccer player in Milo gear.

When i popped open the top the small of a type of Swiss miss chocolate with milk was the best thing I could think of. I took a sip, and it tastes like a Swiss miss. An average taste, not bad at all. Maybe I was expecting more, oh well. I quickly finished it off of course, it being only 8oz/240ml. For $1 it's not bad at all, though not my type of drink.

Verdict: for an unrefrigerated chocolate milk drink, its pretty good.
2 stars ** from me, but possible 3 stars *** for chocolate drink lovers.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you with your verdict. But I have to disagree that it taste like Swiss Miss. Swiss Miss is more chocolatey-er than MILO. Anyways, good review.

    Haley McAdams
    Bartender License
