Thursday, January 20, 2011

Black Tea Drink from Tung-I

This is a Taiwanese sweet tea drink, without the milk. The can has writing in English, Chinese, and Frecch. The can is imported by a California company. It was $1 for a 11.32 oz (335ml) drink. It is slightly thinner then the average 12oz can. The can itself seems quite sturdy.

So as i poured the drink into a cup, it looked kind of like a cola. Taking a sip, it tasted exactly like it's name. The taste was that of black tea with sugar, no milk. There is a slight smell of cereal coming from the drink and thats because barley is one of the ingredients. On the upside it's sweetened so it’s not a bad drink. But I feel I could have just boiled some tea and made it myself. For a traveler or camper this could be idea, or even a truck driver. The after taste is as if I had added cereal, eaten all the cereal, then drank the left over liquid. I can’t place which cereal exactly, but it's not frosted flakes or captain crunch. Swirling the drink around your mouth I can definitely taste the sharpness of the black tea.

Verdict: I would not buy again, but it was not bad. I just felt like I can make it myself.

2 stars **

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