Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mexican Coca Cola

For those who live in border states Mexican coca cola may not be something extraordinary, but for the rest of us, it is something we have to go out of our way to find. The bottle was a little expensive at $1.50 for 355ml (12oz). It came in a glass bottle and there were some nice touches to it. There is a little cola bottle imprinted on the side, and the label itself is nice and raised. A good feeling.

I needed a bottle opener to get to the drink, since it wasn't a twist off. It was nice and cool having just come from out, so I was glad to get into it. The taste... Hmmm, it wasn't really fizzy, but it wasn't unfizzy. The taste was a ..hmmm almost tastes like stale cola that was actually sweeter. Weird since this is made with sugar and us coke is with corn syrup which is supposed to be sweeter. It went down very smooth and I liked it.

Verdict: will purchase again!
4 stars. ****

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