Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hey Song Sarsaparilla

After playing fallout new vegas, the character is always picking up Sunset Sarsaparilla bottles. When I saw this in the supermarket, I knew I had to try this. In the game the drink is a a lifesaver when you are low on stimpacks. That increases health.

The bottle is a 330ml cad, about 12oz, 140 calories and is by the hey song corp of taiwan. It's imported by helm wing of Taiwan.

I took a wiff before drinking it, hmmm! smells like sweet root beer almost. MMMMM and the creamy fizz that formed was a nice touch. After sipping down the drink, i like it. It does almost have a medicine taste. Its kind of like root beer flavored cough syrup. There is a weird flavor when drinking a big mouthful vs a small sip. I guess that is the sarsaparilla. If it wasn't for that it could almost think that this was a light watered down root beer. Smelling the can afterwords is a nice aroma. Thinking of the taste, it it kind of tastes like liquid dumdums. That's a lollipop for those who haven't had the pleasure to try one.

Looking it up sarsaparilla is a flavoring for root beer, which is why the taste is so similar!

I was definitely glad to buy this. At $1, I would pick it up again.

Verdict: Should try!


  1. Somehow I ran across this your blog, and your Hey Song Sarsaparilla post. I couldn't resist commenting - since my blog name is: A Sip of Sarsaparilla.

    Funny, but I've never tasted sarsaparilla. Guess I should try it sometime!
