Saturday, January 15, 2011

Goya Jamaican Style Ginger beer

Goya brands foods have been a big part of my life, so I thought I would start of with their Jamaican style ginger beer. I haven't tried it but thought I should give it a shot. I purchased it from the local supermarket for under a dollar. it came in a brown glass bottle, 12oz, with a bottle cap. Only 190 calories per bottle, so its a little more calorie packed then a 12oz soda.

The cap looks like you need a bottle opener but it easily twisted off. A little bit of visible carbonation evaporated into the air. As I took the first sip, i was not too thrilled. the taste of chemical was there. as the drink went down my throat, i could feel it in the back of it, though it is expected considering it's ginger. I went back for another sip later to see how it is. i could feel the drink in my nose. The second sip was a little better then the first. not undrinkable. I think this is probably one of those drinks that will grow on you. i could see drinking it often, only if i had to drink it several times to get used to it. one word to sum it up would be "eh". not too bad, but not great.
*after thoughts* I took another sip. wow still gets my nose. weird! its more likeable after each sip. I stand by it not being that great but that i can definitely grow on a person

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