Monday, January 17, 2011

Limca Soda

Limca soda
THe is a whiteish lemond lime soda that is sold in india for 12 rupees. After my pleasent experiance with it's sister soda, Thumbs Up, I was hoping that this too would be a great drink. I found itfor $1, and bought it home. THe bottle is diffrent than thumbs up in that there are curves going into the bottle, whereas the thunbs design was some type of geometric one.
Opening the bottle required a bottle opener. After I got it open, the first sip ... was not great. not at all. And this was made under six months ago. Wow that was not a pleasent experiance. Everyone I gave a sip too also didnt wasnt anymore. One of descriptions I recieved was hat it tated like old luggage. THe smell you get when you open some luggage and the mothballs just get you. that would be a pretty good description. Definite avoid.
As I am sitting looking at the half empty bottle, I see that the bottle is 330ml, and about 110 calories according to the label. More sugar coudlnt save it. I seriously think it made me neausous, no joke. Maybe you can judge sodas by their label. So far 5 star was 5 stars and thumbs up gets a thumbs up.
I was reading reviews online and it seems like other people are in the situation. THe drink tastes like dish washing detergent. Seems that indians who loved limca at home hate it outside. Quite possible the exporter is the same person, shipping out crap drinks, becasue inside India itself, the same poeple who reviewd it as dish washer drink, say its great. some poeple are blaming the air, but really that cant be the case. thinking about it now, they actually rewash and reuse these bottles, so possible dish wash soap left in them? nah, but you never now.

Verdict: Avoid, at least outside India

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