Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Paldo Aloe Vera drink

Paldo Aloe vera drink manufactured in Korea. Small bottle, 180ml, which is about 6oz. That’s a small drink! But costs 75 cents so that is not too bad. The green bottle hides the actual color of the drink which is a hazy colorless mixture. Smells, fruity. Like someone inhaling some tropical fruit . How does it taste? But before that I have to say, there are little chunks of aloe floating around. Nice touch. The texture of the drink without the aloe chunks is heavy, meaning it is not like water, its slower to move, by a microsecond. Taste is not too sweet, pleasant, one can almost call it bland in a way. Definitely fits the aloeness. Other than the small bottle size, no complaints. only 80 calories too.

Verdict: would try again, but wouldnt go out of my way to get it
3.5 stars ***'

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